My Spray Painting Process

My Painting Furniture Process 

    • Clean furniture real good.  (No polish, soap & water or windex is great but make sure it’s 100% dry before next step) Any product that drys out the wood is good.
    • If the furniture has drawers take them out and do them on the side but at the same time so you keep all the steps the sam
    • If you don’t want knobs painted take them off and place away from painting area.
    • Take a rag, cover the opening of the deglosser & flip it upside down to get some on rag.  Then whip the furniture all over, reapplying as needed.
    • Shake spray paint for 60 seconds.  Then make sure you are always 6 inches away from furniture & the can is UPSIDE DOWN when spraying.  And spray a SUPER light coat on furniture.  (I try and go in the direction of the grain & keep the spray going back and forth all across the piece)
    • After first coat is completely dry 2nd round is a thicker coat that covers it nicely.  Go slower and try and make the paint lines touch so 3rd coat is mostly just touch ups. 
    • Third coat is a quick touch up & even coat.
    • After dry for a longer period of time apply wax with a rag, just a quick coat across all the painted parts.  Leave no chucks make sure it’s rubbed in and I go with the grain on this too.  The rag will turn the color of the paint.
    • On pieces where you use the surface a lot (tables), I seal the piece with a polyurethane spray, I get matte finish.
    • It’s really ready to go!  ;)